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Category: Proxmox

Proxmox Windows VM looses UUID

Proxmox Windows VM looses UUID

I’ve encountered an issue a few times when Proxmox updates Machine types with updates.My Windows machines sometimes present errors as after updates no UUID is present. Some software’s don’t like this. You can test this on Windows by inputting wmic path win32_computersystemproduct get uuid Likely you may see “No Instance(s) Available.” A quick fix I’ve found is to have a UUID set in the VM config Going into your VM Config fileroot@proxmox01:/etc/pve/qemu-serverSet the following arguments args: -machine smbios-entry-point-type=32

NUT Email Notifications / Proxmox

NUT Email Notifications / Proxmox

1. Configure Email Settings: a. Install an Email Transfer Agent (MTA): To configure NUT (Network UPS Tools) to send email alerts, you need to set up the email notification feature in the NUT configuration files. Here’s a general guide to configuring email alerts with NUT: 1. Configure Email Settings: a. Install an Email Transfer Agent (MTA): You need an MTA installed on your system to send emails. Common MTAs include Postfix, Sendmail, and Exim. Ensure that your MTA is properly…

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Proxmox RAID1 with BTRFS

Proxmox RAID1 with BTRFS

Just making a note. That if you are using BTRFS as the root volume on proxmox. You should (Ahead of time) set the following in /etc/default/grub “rootflags=degraded“ This will allow your Proxmox host to continue to boot with a dead/missing disk. Otherwise, you’ll be in for a bad day.