Blog Posts



Original Samba facilitates file and printer sharing among Linux and Windows systems. To share contents of linux server there should be a sharing server running, mostly Samba is used as sharing server on linux machines. Follow the steps below to install Samba on PC where you need to share files. Install Samba 1 # pacman -S samba Create configuration file for Samba, it is required but not automatically created when installing samba so have to manually create it. 1 #…

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Raspberry Pi 5250 Terminal Emulator

Raspberry Pi 5250 Terminal Emulator

The Raspberry Pi 3b kit, from various kit providers, costs around $50 including case, heat sinks and power supply. Add a 8GB microSDHC card for less than $10 and you’ve got the makings of an inexpensive (sub $60) 5250 terminal. There are two basic methods we’ve used with good success to create a 5250 terminal from a Raspberry Pi. First, if you have an IBM-i with active SWMA and are running IBM-i 7.x, then the new IBM-i Access Client Solution…

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Example: Ubuntu Setting up an alias for the – sudo apt-get install – command

Example: Ubuntu Setting up an alias for the – sudo apt-get install – command

If you do a lot of installations on your system and wish to avoid using the entire sudo apt-get install command, you can create a short alias for it using the following method: Through the file manager, open the .bashrc file located in your home folder. This file is usually a hidden file so you will need to use the Ctrl+H control to view all the hidden files located in the folder. You can use your favorite text editor through the command line or UI to…

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WordPress on Docker, with phpMyAdmin, SSL (via Traefik) and automatic updates

WordPress on Docker, with phpMyAdmin, SSL (via Traefik) and automatic updates

This was a very helpful for me to understanding trying to reverse engineer to make my own. Original link is below. Tried my best to COPY/PASTE the HTML code cutting out certain bits. This is for me to reference. Docker, a powerful and standardized way to deploy applications Free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt (via Traefik) phpMyAdmin to easily manage your databases Automatic container updates (via Watchtower) If you’ve got your own server already — whether at Bytemark or not…

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How to Configure Virtual Host on Windows 10 XAMPP

How to Configure Virtual Host on Windows 10 XAMPP

Create the Virtual Host First, you need to navigate to C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra or wherever your XAMPP files are located. Then, edit httpd-vhosts.conf with any text editor. In my case, I am using Notepad++. The file looks something like this: Delete everything in the file and paste the following code: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot “c:/xampp/htdocs/WordPress” ServerName WordPress.localhost <Directory “c:/xampp/htdocs/WordPress”> </Directory> </VirtualHost> In the above code: VirtualHost: Most web servers use port 80 as their default port. However, you can change the port to 8080, 8081 etc. DocumentRoot: The folder where…

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Setup SoftEther VPN on Ubuntu into Google Cloud Platform

Setup SoftEther VPN on Ubuntu into Google Cloud Platform

VPN doesn’t need much intro in this age but a basic definition is: A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. Meaning you can browse privately without prying eyes on connected public/private network. Or by pass GEO restrictions. In this tutorial, we will be using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) trial account…

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How to Install Jitsi Meet on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

How to Install Jitsi Meet on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Jitsi Meet is a free and open source video conferencing service solution that is packed with various premium features, such as superior sound quality, excellent encryption and privacy, and universal multi-platform availability. With the help of Jitsi Meet, you can easily setup a stunning video conferencing service of your own. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of establishing a video conferencing service on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server instance using Jitsi Meet. Prerequisites A fresh Vultr…

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Unifi Captive Portal For Guests

Unifi Captive Portal For Guests

If you want to provide your guests with free and easy internet access, setting up a Unifi Captive Portal might be a good idea. While you just can create an extra wireless network (SSID) with a simple password, you also need to keep the security of your network in mind. You don’t want to give your guests access to your systems. By using the Unifi Guest Portal you can isolate the clients on your network and give them access for…

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Initially, the Synology Bond need to be prepared for LACP (IEE 802.3ad). This can be done via Control Panel – Network – Network Interface – Bonded Interface (if already created, otherwise you need to create one). Select IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation for the Bond interface and apply the configuration. Because the switch is not prepared yet, the Synology will provide an error message which states that the LACP LAG cannot be created. No worries, this will be fixed automagically after…

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Unifi cloud access can’t connect to Windows controller

Unifi cloud access can’t connect to Windows controller

Initially i had quite a headache with Java software.. For one, Java drives me crazy. I kept getting all kinds of errors trying to connect to to access my controller remotely. Troubleshooting steps. Download the latest version of the controller software Install the software as a service Open required ports on your router forward to controller For your sake setup 2FA (two factor authentication)

Unifi Switch Troubleshooting, can’t connect to controller.

Unifi Switch Troubleshooting, can’t connect to controller.

Recently got myself a US-24 Switch, initially i was having trouble with it. Mostly because i didn’t have a flat network. I had VLAN’s setup, i wanted all networking get to be on Vlan 13 a /27 network. Initially, i got it all working and setup fairly easily but kept getting disconnects. When i’d make IP/VLAN changes. This is a good starting point for anyone new to unifi switches. Good references for getting started with a new switch. References: Unifi…

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Hyper-V and PFsense with Vlans

Hyper-V and PFsense with Vlans

Making a mental note, here. I’ve tried visualizing PFsense multiple times in the past with mostly failures. The reason being is Hyper-V and VLANS. I assumed by default a vSwitch would pass all traffic. By default this doesn’t seem to be the case. You must setup your vSwitch correctly. Here is the command i used that worked. Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName “vmname” | Where-Object {$.MacAddress -eq “XXXXXXXXXXXX”} | Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -Trunk -AllowedVlanIdList “1-100” -NativeVlanId 1 References: Hyper-V VM Trunk VLANs Posted by virutalisto on May…

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