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Category: WebServer

WebServer labs

Basics Linux Network Sharing Python & HTTP

Basics Linux Network Sharing Python & HTTP

Super quick network sharing.  Simple HTTP Server Python has a super useful tool for serving files over HTTP. This is great if you just want to create a quick network share that other machines on your network can access. To do that just go to the directory you want to share and run: $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer This sets up a basic webserver that you can access via the localhost address. So grab the IP address of the machine you…

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Grafana Public Access Setup

Grafana Public Access Setup

To setup login for anonymous users you need to make these small configuration changes in the default.ini/grafana.ini file (Grafana\conf). If you want to hide the login page do this configuration:[auth] # Set to true to disable (hide) the login form, useful if you use OAuth #disable_login_form = false disable_login_form = true Change disable_login_form to true. Enable anonymous access:[auth.anonymous] # enable anonymous access enabled = true Specify the organization:# specify organization name that should be used for unauthenticated users org_name = YOUR_ORG_NAME_HERE Restart Grafana…

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Netdata Custom Dashboard V2

Netdata Custom Dashboard V2

To see this in action visit Putting this HTML code here for reference as an example of how you can use multiple servers In the config file edit the line : Near the top within <script> </script>NETDATA.options.current.stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost = false; I was to lazy to edit the config files and re-upload

Unraid NGINX proxy manager, unifi controller

Unraid NGINX proxy manager, unifi controller

If you are using NGINX Proxy Manager and are trying to proxy a unifi controller the code exists below location / {proxy_pass;proxy_set_header Host $host;proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;proxy_http_version 1.1;proxy_set_header Connection “upgrade”;} Where to apply this code? Go to the advanced tab and post the code above. Make sure to fill in your IP information. Originally found on reddit

Netdata Custom Dashboard

Netdata Custom Dashboard

Just posting this will come back to edit Netdata custom dashboards Posted on October 16, 2019 by Spencer LeB Link to Existing dataNetdata Custom Dashboards You can: create your own dashboards using simple HTML (no javascript is required for basic dashboards) utilizing any or all of the available chart libraries, on the same dashboard using data from one or more netdata servers, on the same dashboard host your dashboard HTML page on any web server, anywhere netdata charts can also be added to…

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WordPress on Docker, with phpMyAdmin, SSL (via Traefik) and automatic updates

WordPress on Docker, with phpMyAdmin, SSL (via Traefik) and automatic updates

This was a very helpful for me to understanding trying to reverse engineer to make my own. Original link is below. Tried my best to COPY/PASTE the HTML code cutting out certain bits. This is for me to reference. Docker, a powerful and standardized way to deploy applications Free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt (via Traefik) phpMyAdmin to easily manage your databases Automatic container updates (via Watchtower) If you’ve got your own server already — whether at Bytemark or not…

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How to Configure Virtual Host on Windows 10 XAMPP

How to Configure Virtual Host on Windows 10 XAMPP

Create the Virtual Host First, you need to navigate to C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra or wherever your XAMPP files are located. Then, edit httpd-vhosts.conf with any text editor. In my case, I am using Notepad++. The file looks something like this: Delete everything in the file and paste the following code: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot “c:/xampp/htdocs/WordPress” ServerName WordPress.localhost <Directory “c:/xampp/htdocs/WordPress”> </Directory> </VirtualHost> In the above code: VirtualHost: Most web servers use port 80 as their default port. However, you can change the port to 8080, 8081 etc. DocumentRoot: The folder where…

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