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Author: Spencer LeB

How to find any or all DHCP server or servers on your network without download software using command line

How to find any or all DHCP server or servers on your network without download software using command line

After searching high and low, I thought I would share some commands that will allow you to find all active DHCP servers on your network. There is software like FIND DHCP SERVER however there are some incompatibilities we have found on some operating systems. Temporarily disable your production DHCP server and see if other servers respond. You can get the IP address of the server by runningipconfig /allon a windows machine, and then you can get the MAC address by…

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Setup NUT Server on Synolgoy Setup Router and XCP-NG

Setup NUT Server on Synolgoy Setup Router and XCP-NG

Synology Setup Synology DSM has already built in UPS support. In DSM using an administrative account open Control Panel – Hardware & Power – UPS. In the configuration you have the choice between “Synology UPS server” and “SNMP UPS”. The bad news is, that “SNMP UPS” are mostly very expensive. Professional UPS devices from APC have a so called “smart slot” where a proprietary optional network card from APC can be installed. While these are available for the higher-priced devices, the cards alone sometimes cost more then…

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Grafana Public Access Setup

Grafana Public Access Setup

To setup login for anonymous users you need to make these small configuration changes in the default.ini/grafana.ini file (Grafana\conf). If you want to hide the login page do this configuration:[auth] # Set to true to disable (hide) the login form, useful if you use OAuth #disable_login_form = false disable_login_form = true Change disable_login_form to true. Enable anonymous access:[auth.anonymous] # enable anonymous access enabled = true Specify the organization:# specify organization name that should be used for unauthenticated users org_name = YOUR_ORG_NAME_HERE Restart Grafana…

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Netdata Custom Dashboard V2

Netdata Custom Dashboard V2

To see this in action visit Putting this HTML code here for reference as an example of how you can use multiple servers In the config file edit the line : Near the top within <script> </script>NETDATA.options.current.stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost = false; I was to lazy to edit the config files and re-upload

Get system metrics for 5 min with Docker, Telegraf, Influxdb and Grafana

Get system metrics for 5 min with Docker, Telegraf, Influxdb and Grafana

Original Source: Hi all, there is a very quick guide how to configure a system monitoring for one or more servers using a modern stack of technologies, like Grafana, Docker and Telegraf with Influxdb. The main goal for this article is to show how to start getting system metrics from your servers quick and easy, without spending lot of time for configuring big and complicated monitoring systems. Especially if you only need to take care for few Web servers…

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OPNSense with Zerotier Setup – Network Bridge

OPNSense with Zerotier Setup – Network Bridge

Below are the steps required to get Zerotier setup on your OPNsense router to act as a network bridge between your Localnetwork and Clients with Zerotier client installed on remote networks. In ZT network screen: Managed routes: An IP assigned to the ZT network for the range selected e.g. For the device the service runs on (OpnSense) there is a destination for to LAN of the ZT network IP range you’ve set e.g. Auth Activated for OpnSense…

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Manjaro Gnome Screen Sharing

Manjaro Gnome Screen Sharing

Step 1: Enable Remote Access to Ubuntu Ubuntu machines by default have the protocol and server installed already. To enable remote access, logon to the desktop computer and go to System Menu ==> System Settings… as shown in the image below… When system settings page opens, go to Sharing ==> Enable sharing by sliding the button to the right… When sharing is enable, click the Screen Sharing option on the page and turn on Screen Sharing  as shown in the image below… When you’re done,…

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Auto open website on Raspberry Pi startup

Auto open website on Raspberry Pi startup

I would like to credit Brian Haines with the provided information below.You can view the original content on his site following Thanks for letting me keep a copy Brian! Visit him at There are a number of resources on the Web for this, but most are outdated or take the process further than I wanted. To be clear, I don’t want to disable the Pi’s desktop or block the user from using Chrome. I just want the Pi to…

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Complete Unraid Monitoring

Complete Unraid Monitoring

Copying from various sources. Links at bottom of page. I have for some time shared my Unraid System dashboard over at but never really had the time to make a quick write up on how to set it all up. So this will try to do just that. This guide will make it so you will be able to monitor cpu usage, cpu temps, network stats, ram usage and much more by simply importing a dashboard. How it works In getting…

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Unraid SteamCacheBundle

Unraid SteamCacheBundle

Install Head to Community Applications. Search for and install SteamCacheBundle. Next set a fixed IP address. Enter this in the box marked, Fixed IP address. Make sure it’s not an IP already in use on your network. Now enter the same IP address for the LANCACHE_IP variable Make sure the Data and Logs directories are set to your liking. The Data directory is where all the cache data will be stored. Now change the CACHE_MEM_SIZE, CACHE_DISK_SIZE and CACHE_MAX_AGE if you wish. The are fairly self explanatory and…

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Unraid NGINX proxy manager, unifi controller

Unraid NGINX proxy manager, unifi controller

If you are using NGINX Proxy Manager and are trying to proxy a unifi controller the code exists below location / {proxy_pass;proxy_set_header Host $host;proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;proxy_http_version 1.1;proxy_set_header Connection “upgrade”;} Where to apply this code? Go to the advanced tab and post the code above. Make sure to fill in your IP information. Originally found on reddit

Netdata Custom Dashboard

Netdata Custom Dashboard

Just posting this will come back to edit Netdata custom dashboards Posted on October 16, 2019 by Spencer LeB Link to Existing dataNetdata Custom Dashboards You can: create your own dashboards using simple HTML (no javascript is required for basic dashboards) utilizing any or all of the available chart libraries, on the same dashboard using data from one or more netdata servers, on the same dashboard host your dashboard HTML page on any web server, anywhere netdata charts can also be added to…

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This one is a bit personal to me, as a MTD CORP employee. I have spent many hours in the Leitchfield plant. There are some really great people there. MTD Products Inc. has announced plans to close its manufacturing facility in Leitchfield by June 2020. The facility employs approximately 295 people and manufactures component and aftermarket parts used to supply the company’s assembly facilities. “MTD is grateful for the hard work and dedication of these employees and the continued support of…

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Mount Samba share on Ubuntu and Debian

Mount Samba share on Ubuntu and Debian

These steps will help you to mount remote samba shared directory to your system. Follow the step by step guide for the mounting of remote samba share on Ubuntu and Debian system. Also enables to automount shared drive even after system reboot. Step 1 – You need to install package cifs-utils on your system. Run the following command on the terminal for the installation. sudo apt-get install cifs-utils Step 2 – After that create a directory to mount the share drive. sudo mkdir /media/Share…

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Use systemd to Start a Linux Service at Boot

Use systemd to Start a Linux Service at Boot

What is systemd?Permalink systemd is a Linux system tool initially developed by the Red Hat Linux team. It includes many features, including a bootstrapping system used to start and manage system processes. It is currently the default initialization system on most Linux distributions. Many commonly used software tools, such as SSH and Apache, ship with a systemd service. It is simple to create a custom systemd service that will run any script or process you choose. Although there are several…

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Original Samba facilitates file and printer sharing among Linux and Windows systems. To share contents of linux server there should be a sharing server running, mostly Samba is used as sharing server on linux machines. Follow the steps below to install Samba on PC where you need to share files. Install Samba 1 # pacman -S samba Create configuration file for Samba, it is required but not automatically created when installing samba so have to manually create it. 1 #…

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