Blog Posts

Minio Bucket Policy Notes

Minio Bucket Policy Notes

Minio is a really cool opensource project which democratizes cloud storage. The feature that I love most about it is S3 compatibility which means that you can use it with the AWS CLI or any other AWS SDK. Companies can use this to run their own distributed object storage systems. I use this at home with my server to make available multiple terabytes of storage to myself and my family. I’ve connected 3 hard drives of 4, 2 and 1…

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Proxmox Windows VM looses UUID

Proxmox Windows VM looses UUID

I’ve encountered an issue a few times when Proxmox updates Machine types with updates.My Windows machines sometimes present errors as after updates no UUID is present. Some software’s don’t like this. You can test this on Windows by inputting wmic path win32_computersystemproduct get uuid Likely you may see “No Instance(s) Available.” A quick fix I’ve found is to have a UUID set in the VM config Going into your VM Config fileroot@proxmox01:/etc/pve/qemu-serverSet the following arguments args: -machine smbios-entry-point-type=32

NUT Email Notifications / Proxmox

NUT Email Notifications / Proxmox

1. Configure Email Settings: a. Install an Email Transfer Agent (MTA): To configure NUT (Network UPS Tools) to send email alerts, you need to set up the email notification feature in the NUT configuration files. Here’s a general guide to configuring email alerts with NUT: 1. Configure Email Settings: a. Install an Email Transfer Agent (MTA): You need an MTA installed on your system to send emails. Common MTAs include Postfix, Sendmail, and Exim. Ensure that your MTA is properly…

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Monitoring Systemd Services / Automatic Cron Restart

Monitoring Systemd Services / Automatic Cron Restart

I got a raspberry pi acting as a NUT SERVER, and it keeps flaking out. I keep having to restart nut-server all the time. Lets automate checking if the service is running and restart it if its not. The Issue. Every so often it just stops. See the graph below Lets create a bash script for checking the service Lets save the script and make it executable Lets edit crontab by typing “crontab -e” into the shell and add the…

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Proxmox RAID1 with BTRFS

Proxmox RAID1 with BTRFS

Just making a note. That if you are using BTRFS as the root volume on proxmox. You should (Ahead of time) set the following in /etc/default/grub “rootflags=degraded“ This will allow your Proxmox host to continue to boot with a dead/missing disk. Otherwise, you’ll be in for a bad day.

Continuously updated zpool iostat

Continuously updated zpool iostat

 cmdwatch -n 1 zpool iostat -vy 1 1 For example, cmdwatch -n 1 zpool iostat -vy 1 1 will give us the detailed output from the last section, in an updated in-place format on the screen rather than scrolling. For truly interactive use, this is the superior way to check iostat on an ongoing basis. The only real disadvantage to using watch or cmdwatch to monitor zpool iostat in realtime is that when you ctrl-C out of its loop, it clears the screen one last time, rather than…

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Media Stack – Jackett, Radarr, Sonarr, Plex, TransmissionVPN.

Media Stack – Jackett, Radarr, Sonarr, Plex, TransmissionVPN.

Going to break down my current media stack, as well as list what these tools are and what they do. As well as how you can use these tools together to have a great media automation setup. I’ll specifically be sharing my docker-compose files so you can easily set this up quickly. You can customize it to your needs afterwards. Or even run each service in it’s own VM. But why would you with docker being a thing? Jackett…

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Add Youtube-dl to Termux in Android

Add Youtube-dl to Termux in Android

Install Termux from the Play store. In termux: Give termux access to your phone’s filesystem via ~/storage/shared : Install python: Install youtube-dl Create a folder to store your downloaded videos: Create youtube-dl config (volume-down key emulates Ctrl in termux): The contents of my config is as follows: (the height<=480 tells youtube-dl to download the best quality version up to 480px in height. You can change to 240, 360, 720 or 1080, etc to suit your needs / bandwidth restrictions. Save…

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Truenas 12 – Access Based Share Enumeration – Hide folders from users without read/write access

Truenas 12 – Access Based Share Enumeration – Hide folders from users without read/write access

I took me forever to figure this out working the way I wanted. What I basically wanted was User A to not see User B’s folders. A more detailed explanation can be found here. If your problem is similar to the reddit post. These instructions should work for you too. You’ll want to figure out which user you don’t want to see on a specific folder. You will need SID. You can get a USER SID or GROUP SID.Here are…

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Farewell Synology DS416

Farewell Synology DS416

I can’t recommend Synology enough. I’ve had this little guy running since 2017. With some questionable and not so questionable drives installed. I never had one single issue with it. In fact I really enjoy working with these NAS units. It never outgrew my storage capacity needs. However my need for 10GB networking, massive disk io, and speed did lead this relationship to the bitter end. I would gladly buy another Synology unit if they made a device reasonably priced…

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Backup Truenas to Synology via rsync

Backup Truenas to Synology via rsync

I found loads of posts on how to backup Synology to Truenas. However found it quite difficult to find a full up to date guide for Truenas to Synology. So I’ll attempt to make a guide here. There are a number of various ways to accomplish this, however I will list the steps I took. I’ll try to provide in depth detail. Setup a new user account on Truenas named “rsync” SSH Public Key comes later On Truenas when creating…

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Windows 10 Analyze the wireless network report

Windows 10 Analyze the wireless network report

The wireless network report is one of the more useful tools in Windows 10 that can help you diagnose Wi-Fi connection problems. To create the wireless network report In the search box on the taskbar, type Command prompt, press and hold (or right-click) Command prompt, and then select Run as administrator > Yes. At the command prompt, type netsh wlan show wlanreport. This will generate a wireless network report that’s saved as an HTML file, which you can open in your favorite web browser. The report…

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Truenas/Freenas performance testing

Truenas/Freenas performance testing

May help others Network performance – FreeNAS From a Linux machine: 1Gb on both sides Write Test: Read Test: Additionally IOZONE testing Source: As we discussed in our Linux performance monitoring introduction article, measuring IO subsystem performance is very important. If someone is complaining that a database (or any application) running on one server (with certain filesystem, or RAID configuration) is running faster than the same database or application running on another server, you might want to make sure that the…

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Reduce the fan noise of the Dell R720XD (plus other 12th gen servers) with IPMI

Reduce the fan noise of the Dell R720XD (plus other 12th gen servers) with IPMI

Introduction In this guide I will be showing you how you can reduce the fan noise of the Dell Powerdge r720XD. This will probably work on the r720 and other 12th gen dell servers. To do this, we will be using IPMI to manually override the fan speed. Requirements In order to follow this guide, you will need the following: A Linux machine (or anything with ipmitool available) 12th gen Dell Poweredge Server with iDRAC 7 Disclaimer Make sure you keep an…

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Basics Linux Network Sharing Python & HTTP

Basics Linux Network Sharing Python & HTTP

Super quick network sharing.  Simple HTTP Server Python has a super useful tool for serving files over HTTP. This is great if you just want to create a quick network share that other machines on your network can access. To do that just go to the directory you want to share and run: $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer This sets up a basic webserver that you can access via the localhost address. So grab the IP address of the machine you…

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